The Brand Guidelines set the rules for Pliant’s visual identity. Follow these rules strictly to maintain consistency and build brand equity.

<aside> ⚠️ For more detailed information on how to use our brand, please refer to our complete brand guidelines



Wordmark and Symbol.png

Our logotype and logomark are the two identifiable marks of the brand. On this page, you'll find the basic information about how to use it.t

Minimum size


Our logotype should never be used smaller than 56px width in digital and 15mm width in print.


Our logomark should never be used smaller than 14px width in digital and 6mm width in print.

For the version with the box, it's 32px width in digital and 13mm width in print.

Clear space


Our logotype should never be used smaller than 56px width in digital and 15mm width in print.


The clear space is defined by the width of the base of our logomark.

Incorrect usage of the logos